This summer I did lots of fun things. First of all, I get to Guadalajara and Tapalpa. In Guadalajara I got to go shopping everyday and spend time with my family. Not only that but I went to "Trompo Magico" and the Zoo! When we were in Tapalpa, I got to ride a little car and a motorcycle. The weather was wonderful. It was coldish and humid. We stayed 3 days and two nights. I have to say that Tapalpa is one of my favorite places! As you can see, I had fun this summer with my family. One thing that I would like to do for my self is try to keep a sertain amount of time in facebook. It always distracts me from doing homework or chores at home. It takes away my time, and I always regret it. If I log on to facebook I will stay like 4 hours and that's just wrong! I'd rather spend time with my family. Go out with friends or swim at the pool. Sometimes I get bad grades in my homework because of Facebook. It distracts me and I don't put attention to what I'm reading.I also get messed up when I write. Finally, avoiding Facebook is one thing what I would like to do for my self. A part of me that makes me very spe
cial is that I always help people. I help them no matter what. When my friends have problems in school, at home with other friends or even their family they always talk to me. I find the way to make them look at the good side of the situation. And I also helpthem resolve their problem. Sometimes I even give up things just to help them and feel like they're not alone. I listen to people and I try to give good advice. I think it is lovely when poeple thankyou, it just feels good to have the opportunity to help other people. Lastly, being helpful makes me really special, and it also makes me feel GREAT!